The Peace Agreement between Israel and Egypt

The Peace Agreement Between Israel and Egypt: A Historic Moment for the Middle East

On March 26, 1979, a historic moment took place in the Middle East when Israel and Egypt signed a peace agreement known as the Camp David Accords. The accord not only resolved a long-standing conflict between the two countries, but it also changed the political landscape of the region. In this article, we take a closer look at the peace agreement between Israel and Egypt and its impact on the Middle East.

Background to the Conflict

The conflict between Israel and Egypt dates back to the formation of the Jewish state in 1948. After the partition of Palestine, Egypt and other Arab states rejected the creation of Israel, leading to several wars and military conflicts. In 1973, Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in what is known as the Yom Kippur War. The war was a significant blow to Israel, and it brought the two countries to the negotiation table.

The Camp David Accords

The peace agreement between Israel and Egypt was facilitated by the United States under the leadership of President Jimmy Carter. The negotiations took place at the presidential retreat at Camp David, Maryland, and the agreement was signed on March 26, 1979.

The Camp David Accords consisted of two agreements – the Framework for Peace in the Middle East and the Treaty of Peace Between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the State of Israel. The framework agreement focused on resolving the broader Arab-Israeli conflict, while the treaty outlined specific measures for peace between Israel and Egypt.

Key provisions of the Treaty included the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Sinai Peninsula, the demilitarization of the region, and the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The peace agreement was a significant achievement for both countries, as it ended decades of conflict and hostility.

Impact on the Middle East

The peace agreement between Israel and Egypt had a significant impact on the Middle East. It paved the way for the normalization of relations between Israel and other Arab states, such as Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, who have recently signed peace agreements with Israel.

The Camp David Accords also demonstrated that peace could be achieved through negotiation and diplomacy, rather than military conflict. The peace agreement set a precedent for other conflicts in the region, and it remains a model for resolving disputes today.


The peace agreement between Israel and Egypt was a historic moment for the Middle East. The Camp David Accords not only resolved a long-standing conflict between the two countries, but it also changed the political landscape of the region. The accord demonstrated that peace could be achieved through negotiation and diplomacy, and it set a precedent for resolving other conflicts in the Middle East. As we look to the future, the peace agreement between Israel and Egypt remains a testament to the power of diplomacy and the possibility of peace.